Thursday, March 11, 2010

Yaks .... can't sleep again .... it seems like I have to wear myself out to sleep and then I don't sleep between five to six hours. I guess that is enough. I don't seem to be suffering because of five to six hours of sleep a night.

Right in your face is not my usual mode ... I'm more shy than not ... not that I am not friendly and nice to strangers, polite and smile at them but I don't 'talk it up' with them either. I have gotten better about this though so now when I stand in a long line I can say something to someone but then I do not actually strike up a lengthly conversation.

Why am I writing this? Just a thought that was running through my mind. Ed Harris stars in Pollock, the life and times of the abstract-expressionist painter. The first screen is 1941 Greenwich Village. I don't know if I want to watch this movie, I'll give it another five minutes. I do like the year 1941. I like the 30's and 40's even the 50's much more than life as it is now. I even like the clothes and cars better. Love the trains! In the name of progress is what they use to say when things changed so drastically. Oh well.

Today I managed to arrange my desk, polish it up, and the tea cart as well. They both look nice. I think I will buy one new plant each time I get paid. That should cheer up the place a lot.

I think that when the kids get all their things out of my place and I can use my space more efficiently I'll be more pleased with my little apartment. It is a two bedroom. One for me and one for my quilting and sewing, writing will still be done in the Living room area as this is where the computer has to go. I am going to finish the curtain tomorrow morning. And that will make the Living room look much nicer. The window covering I have up now is temporary and from three yards of 60" wide remnant fabric I picked up a while back. It works but it's only one wide panel and besides I need that material for something else.

this movie is dragging a bit. I am sure this means it is close to Pollock's true life than not true to his real life.

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