Sunday, March 14, 2010

Daylight savings time : And the clocks were turned back one hour in every part of the house except the bedroom. So when Sister Best telephoned this morning at 7:20 am to see if I was ready for church, naturally I said yes! I should have added what was on my mind at the time which was "I'll see you in one hour" and if I had she would have told me it was after eight and to hurry up! We were both late for Sacrament Meeting! She was to have given the opening prayer too, but she waited for me and in doing so we were late, just late enough for her not to give the opening prayer. I feel so bad about that but it did not seem to bother Mary Best at all.

Mary is my ride to church. We also do Visiting Teaching together. She is 74 and drives like she is 30! Very good driver. I am very very glad about that :) very glad.

Okay, down to the purpose of this blog thing I am doing. Today I could not get my mind wrapped around the fact that he has not called or written to me. Is it really an ending or a time out? With Win, I never know. I want to be myself with him but he makes it hard to be myself at times because he seems to bring out my inner child who is afraid of abandonment. No one, and I mean, no one I have ever 'dated' or 'been with' or 'began a relationship with' has ever done this. I have always been able to take it as it comes, not worry, not get to into it, not with him though. I want yesterday what is in store for tomorrow. It is my problem. Not his. But, I can't seem to help myself. I want him now! I think he would give the best hugs.

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