Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Saturday In 2010

Normalcy; relaxation and calm; music piped through earphones drowning out my noisy neighbors; awe, the one Saturday I have nothing to do but set and contemplate my navel. The healing of my heart is taking place today. Quiet and calm. Reflective. Building bridges between my head and my heart. This is my day. Today. One Saturday in 2010.

I have determined HGTV/DIY is demential to my mental health. The watching itself is too stimulating. Not only do I want to build or plant something but by the end of the fifth one-half hour show I am totally tuckered out from watching sweaty men lug rocks or decorators wipe their brow of sweat. I take a deep breath because I need to calm down my high level of stimulation(s) and get back to contemplating my navel, which is, after deep consideration, my best course of action for this One Saturday in 2010.

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