Sunday, March 7, 2010

Forgive me ... but ... I think when someone telephones and says 1) I tried my best not to love you but the thing is I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU and says the call is to let me know how he feels about me and 2) talks about coming out during his vacation ... well.... then I have a boyfriend who loves me and want me and is coming to see me ............ so when he abruptly stops less than one week later having any contact whatsoever then HE IS A DOG and doesn't deserve me!

I am a good catch! A damn good catch and he is a total jerk and I need to remember this when he shows back up, which he will do because he always does, and avoid him like he's caring the illness that he is caring!

He is, after all, in the entertainment industry so what did I think I was going to get ... he lives his life in fantasy land but I live in the real world of regular work (an an accountant!) real reading (I read books not scripts) I also don't have a 7,000 plus movie collection! Not that I don't have movies, I do, of course, I just don't live my life as a movie fantasy spilling over into the real world of the average Joe. I am an average Joe, or the female version of it. As best I can determine 'the love of my life' and the 'man I would have walked through fire for' lives his life in fantasy land ...

As no one is following me on this blog ... I am switching this to my uploading of feelings blog ... besides why do I want to write about why I decided to find love .... it appears that love is done with me!

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