Saturday, March 13, 2010

I got my hair trimmed this afternoon and met the most interesting girl. Her name is Laura. Not only did she trim my hair exactly as I asked her to, she told me about her Grandfathers business on 10th Street begun after WWII that her Uncle now runs. Originally a typewriter repair place they now sell copiers, etc.

Every once in a while you meet someone who tells you a story that you want to write about. I want to write about this family.

I am watching the movie Holiday 2 hours 16 minutes PG -13 staring Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz, also with Jude Law, Jack Black, Edward Burns and Rufus Sewell. And Eli Wallach (one of my favorite actors of all time) who plays Arthur Abbott. It is a chick flick! I got it from netflix by mail ... I may return it Monday after getting a double or even triple does of romance. The only romance I shall be getting, apparently. (okay, bad ending sentence, bad moment!)

Lisa bought me some face cleanser and face moisturizer this afternoon at Food Lyon grocery. I was there picking up fresh fruits, vegetables, and dairy (dairy which is limited to 1% Milk, brown eggs, unsalted butter only and low cal. yogurt) and I picked two 99 cent individual vacuum sealed 4 oz servings of fish that will actually be more like four servings instead of two for me. The more I eat like this, the better I feel. The less depressed I am. The less emotional I get over really silly things. The happier I am in the long run. No more sugar. Sugar is like poison to me! No soda at home, only proper herbal teas and limit the coffee to 1/2 cup each morning, (coffee, just like the doctor said to do) ... amazing how diet works ( ;-) to cure a menagerie of health issues like pre-diabetes and borderline high blood pressure. Not to mention lowering the risk of cancer. I never want that illness to visit me again! Even a brush with it was enough and over the years I have done everything perfect as Dr. Anderson said to do and thus far!!! Drum Roll Please ::: ZELCH pre-cancer cells .... Keeping it that way.

I would love to hang out with Jack Black (or the character he plays -- my kind of guy, actually -- bright, funny, accomplished, emotional available, kind, forgiving, loyal, honest, in touch with his own feelings) I love it when his character asks Kate's character "Why am I always attracted to the bad girl" and her answer is: "I happen to know the answer to this: Because you're hoping you're wrong and every time she does something that tells you she's no good you ignore it and every time she comes through and surprises you she wins you over and you loose the agreement with yourself that she's not for you" (not word for word) Then she goes on to tell him about her loss love and her descriptions really gets me! Worthwhile; insignificant; big words to describe her state of mind. This scene is target on! I wish I had a Jack Black right now to make me a plate of fettuccini . . . . oh well.............

At the end of this movie: Amanda Blake (Diaz's character) says something like "you did say you love me so I'm thinking I have a date for New Years Eve" ... what a line ... of course she would! A man who tells you he is in love with you takes you out on holidays, sends cards, email, telephones you and wants in your nickers as soon as possible which means he comes to where you are! Why am I crying over Win?

Because I am in love with him, that's why. Oh well..........

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