Tuesday, March 16, 2010

An old issue with women that I though was on the decline is apparently increasing in frequency. I do not have the exact numbers but yesterday I listened to an interview with Dr. Nancy Deville, author of the book Karma in which she said that in India alone it is suspected that three (3) million women are living in bondage. I am talking about slave trade, the practice of taking unsuspecting women into a life that they never intended to enter. Many of these women were looking for a better life and some were simply traveling and wound up in a position of great personal peril. And although more research is needed to get real numbers in my book one such woman is one woman too many.

Human trafficking is a real problem and it is not limited to third world countries, it exists here as well but we tend to turn our heads and mummer: Not In America, when every single citizen should be yelling out: Stop! For myself I am getting involved and I am encouraging my countrymen to do the same. Collectively we can make a difference. I am not so naive to think that this dismal practice can be eliminated globally in my life time but I do believe through awareness and education it may be eliminated in my granddaughters life time. It is worth a shot to try.

If the squeaky wheel does receive the most attention then I think women (and men) all over the globe need to lock arms and become that squeaky wheel. Individually and collectively we need to become as loud as humanly possible and turn that squeaky wheel around and around until no living human being can not help but to cry out: Enough; Stop Human Trafficking!

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