Saturday, March 13, 2010

My grandson Stefan is seventeen tomorrow. I have not seen Stefan in years. This is a happy day for him and a sad day for his mother and me and for his brother Kyle as well, I'm sure. Divorce is a nasty business when it happens between people who either can't or simply will not work together for their children. My daughter did nothing to deserve the loss of her son and daughter from this man who adopted her son and father her daughter. Thank goodness Kyle's father was active in his life or else Steven could have adopted him as well and my lovely daughter would have been left with no children. How can any human being be so evil and despising of a woman he once thought the world of simply because he wants the children of his loins to be solely his and his new wife. God forbid she ever speaks up for herself. She'll loose the children then have together but sadly she does not know this about the man. I do. I know of his character and his heart and both are dark and sour. No good man could have ever done what he has done. No good man could.

I think about Win and his youngest son Winnie. How it must have hurt him and how he must value any time he has with his son now. I think he must have been a good father. He surely had a good and godly one himself. I do not remember Brother Shields but I do remember his mother and I remember thinking she was nice. I never knew her well enough to find out otherwise so I like to think of his parents as being good, nice and godly parents. This is off the subject.

The subject is Stephan who when he was adopted was changed to Stefan. Something he'll never know. Someday I will meet him again and we'll set and talk about his life, perhaps when he is older, even with children of his own. He will learn of how we tried to keep in touch, I'll bring out all the saved presents and cards. They will not mean as much to a man, a kaleidoscope for a boy of eight will not be the same to him then. But, I have them, little things, to give when the time comes.

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